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Master of science in Shipping


offered in collaboration with Europe’s oldest Maritime College specialised in the art of  Ship Management  

The Italian Shipping Academy together with BCA GIME to develop the education into the maritime industry


Fondazione Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile (Italian Shipping Academy) at the forefront together with the Athenian BCA GIME institute for the high-level training of seafarers and officers of the merchant navy.

MSc Shipping

Il Master online in Navigazione è ideale per ottenere una carriera di alto livello nel settore della gestione navale.

Sviluppato specificamente come programma di apprendimento a distanza, è stato progettato per soddisfare le esigenze di laureati e professionisti marittimi che non possono frequentare le lezioni regolari, ma desiderano ottenere una conoscenza approfondita delle operazioni manageriali delle società di gestione navale.

Il Master in Navigazione è stato il primo Master in Europa incentrato sull’arte
della gestione navale, un’arte che ci proponiamo di trasmettere alla prossima generazione di manager marittimi.

Il corso ha durata annuale (full-time) o biennale (part-time). Tutte le lezioni sono digitali e registrate e possono essere visionate in ogni momento.

La lingua d’insegnamento è l’inglese. Per ciascun anno accademico, ci sono tre finestre per iniziare il Corso: febbraio, giugno e ottobre.


• Laurea triennale EQF6 (Bachelor)
• Diploma ITS EQF6 (Coperta e Macchina)
• Diploma quinquennale Scuola media superiore EQF4 + significativa esperienza lavorativa (eccezionalmente)

COSTI:  8.600 Euro

CONTATTI: per informazioni Cristiano Galluccio (Relazioni internazionali)


Maritime Economics

The Maritime Economics module aims to enhance students’ ability to apply micro economic theory in various shipping environments including dry bulk, tankers and liner markets. Focused primarily on the analysis of the factors affecting market equilibrium, the Maritime Economics module aims at providing the necessary insight for successful evaluation and forecast of the short term freight movement in the market.

Maritime Legal Aspect

The module offers both an overview of shipping law as well as a more in-depth understanding of the key legal elements to be encountered. Students will have the opportunity not only to learn but also to master shipping law and put their newly-acquired knowledge to practice through case-study examples.

Maritime Policy and Regulations

Laws, Rules and Regulations are the tools, through which Policies are being implemented. In the shipping industry, IMO is the main Policy Maker globally but its resolutions have to become national laws, in order to be applied.

Commercial Shipping Management

This module provides students with an all-round practical insight to Shipping Management of Commercial Shipping Companies as well as knowledge for strategy and operational related matters in the shipping industry.

HR and Crew Management in Shipping

The module begins by examining the Historical review and revolution of Human Resource and Crew Management. Follows, the structure of Crew department and its cooperation with other departments in a Shipping Company. Its daily operation is exhibited in details.

Dry Bulk Operations

The module introduces the responsibilities, the important role of operation department, preventive and corrective actions need to be taken, including pre-fixing and post fixing process, including explanatory and precautionary measures, actual documents as of the ship’s commercial management, but not limited and to vessel’s monitoring, third parties involvement as of the commencement of the charter (both t/c and v/c) throughout the currency of her fixture.

Maritime Technology

This module provides students with an all-round practical insight to Maritime Technology and knowledge for working within a systems engineering context as well as on the levels of assurance required for safety and environmental protection aspects of technological development.

Shipping Finance and Investment

This module offer comprehensive understanding of shipping finance in theory and practice. International shipping industry with 1 trillion US Dollar assets of worth is the typical example of a capital intense industry, therefore it is crucial to understand the various aspects of shipping finance.

Chartering Practice and Methods

The module provides an insight to charter party types and clauses. The relevant chartering procedures are effectively presented and students have the possibility to apply such knowledge in a simulated environment.

Carriage of Goods by Sea

This module intends to enhance students’ understanding of specific legal topics concerning the Carriage of Goods by Sea. Special emphasis is given to the implications of legal decision on charter party wording. Moreover students will learn how and when to apply the Hague/Visby and Rotterdam Rules in contracts of carriage of goods by sea, enabling them to critically implement legal issues in shipping practice by the end of the module.

Marine Insurance

The module is an international “journey” about demonstrating knowledge and understanding of essential elements of marine insurance contracts, marine hull and associated liability risks and protection and indemnity insurance.

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I am Deck Officer, and I started the Bachelor Degree course in February. The path is interesting, it leaves you a lot of freedom to organize yourself for the study, in addition to the time to perform the assignments. It is very handy for those who work or are busy with the family, and besides, the recorded videos are clear and understanding

Mira M. Dümmel

The possibility of following these educational paths, although it is difficult to reconcile professional activity with study, represents a valid opportunity for professional growth

Mario Carlino

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