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Master in Engineering Management


offered in collaboration with Europe’s oldest Maritime College specialised in the art of  Ship Management  

The Italian Shipping Academy together with BCA GIME to develop the education into the maritime industry


Fondazione Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile (Italian Shipping Academy) at the forefront together with the Athenian BCA GIME institute for the high-level training of seafarers and officers of the merchant navy.

MSc Marine Engineering Management

Questo Corso è rivolto sia a studenti con una preparazione politecnica (come architetti o ingegneri navali e meccanici) sia ai diplomati delle Accademie di marina mercantile che possiedono un’esperienza marittima di base (in possesso di CoC da Direttore di Macchina, Comandante o Primo Ufficiale di Coperta o Macchina) che aspirano a proseguire la propria carriera come impiegati nei dipartimenti tecnici delle compagnie di navigazione.

Il corso ha durata annuale (full-time) o biennale (part-time). Tutte le lezioni sono digitali e registrate e possono essere visionate in ogni momento.

La lingua d’insegnamento è l’inglese. Per ciascun anno accademico, ci sono tre finestre per iniziare il Corso: febbraio, giugno e ottobre.

Sillabo del corso

REQUISITI DI ACCESSO: Il BCA-GIME è l’unico responsabile dell’ammissione dei candidati.

Le candidature vengono esaminate per verificare la sussistenza dei requisiti d’accesso.
• Laurea triennale EQF6 (Bachelor)
• Diploma ITS EQF6 (Coperta e Macchina)
• Diploma quinquennale Scuola media superiore EQF4 + significativa esperienza lavorativa (eccezionalmente)

COSTI: 8600€

CONTATTI: per informazioni: Cristiano Galluccio (Relazioni internazionali)


Foundations of Technical & Procurement Management

The module examine the procedures, task and responsabilities for all the procurement activities for a ship, as shared between the Technical Department and the Supply/Purchasing Department.

Project Management - New Constructory & Dry Docking

The module approaches how the different shipbuilding and repairs yard’ respond, perform and plan their major project for newbuildings and dry-dockings convertions.

Decarbonisation of Shipping

The module covers the most current decarbonisation concepts and definitions and continues to explain the current shipping regulatory framework (international and regional) and the various private initiatives.

Maintenance an Inspections Management

The module examines the various maintenance systems designed to prevent problems and damages aboard a vessel, as well as the issues of repairs, inspections and certification.

Quality and Safety Management

The module covers in detail quality management rules and practices applicable to Marine Operations Management onboard and ashore.

HR and Crew Management in Shipping

The module begins by examining the Historical review and revolution of Human Resource and Crew Management. Follows, the structure of Crew department and its cooperation with other departments in a Shipping Company.

Maritime Data Analytics

This module is designed for participants who want to understand how data leads into actionable insights, and in turn, to better decisions. We cover a wide range of analytics tools and delve into the entire process of creating value from analytics: from identifying opportunities to analysing the right data to overcoming the implementation challenges.

Maritime Technology

This module provides students with an all-round practical insight to Maritime Technology and knowledge for working within a systems engineering context as well as on the levels of assurance required for safety and environmental protection aspects of technological development.

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